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RIP est un protocole de routage à vecteur de distance.
RIP version 2 will send triggered updates when the topology changes like when a link goes down.
The following are the key characteristics of RIPv2 pertaining to this question:
1. Split horizon - RIP doesn't advertise routes back out the interface in which they came.
Or put another way, a router won't tell a neighbor about routes that the neighbor presumably already knows about. That would be silly, and could cause a loop in certain circumstances.
2. Triggered update - RIP will send an update out just a soon as the routing table changes. He won't wait for the Update timer to expire.
3. Route poisoning - RIP will tell other routers that a failed route is junk by advertising it with an infinite metric (which is 16 for RIP), effectively poisoning it.
4. Hold down timer : When a destination has become unreachable (or the metric has increased enough to cause poisoning), the destination goes into “holddown”. During this state, no new path will be accepted for the same destination for this amount of time. The hold time indicates how long this state should last.
Exemple de configuration
router rip version 2 ! ! gestion de la redistribution des routes default-metric 1 ! défini la métrique de redistribution par défaut redistribute static redistribute ospf 1 metric 3 ! ! les interfaces de routage ne seront pas actives en RIP par défaut passive-interface default no passive-interface Tunnel1 no passive-interface Vlan5 ! ! définition/ajout de coûts sur certaines interfaces offset-list 0 in 1 Tunnel1 offset-list 0 out 1 Tunnel1 offset-list 0 in 3 Vlan5 offset-list 0 out 3 Vlan5 ! ! réseaux annoncés network ! ! Contrôle des annonces RIP envoyées et reçues distribute-list RIP_out out distribute-list RIP_in in ! ! permet de ne pas utiliser les masques CIDR no auto-summary ! ip access-list RIP_out permit ! réseau 1 permit ! réseau 2 deny any ! par défaut mais explicite c'est mieux ! ip access-list RIP_in permit ! réseau d'en face deny any
informatique/cisco/rip.txt · Last modified: 2013/10/14 20:44 by